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This simple Cloud Run service demonstrates how to implement a read-through and write-through cache in front of a database. To keep things simple, the database is implemented in an in-memory array and it always takes 3 seconds to read from it or write to it. The cache is using Memorystore for Redis.

Use this to deploy the code to your own GCP project. Before you run this script, do these things:

  • Create a Memorystore instance in your GCP project.
  • Create a Serverless VPC Connector instance in your GCP project.
  • Set values for the environment variables on lines 1-5 of

Artist REST API.postman_collection.json

Once you have deployed your Cloud Run service, you can test it with Postman. To do that:

  • Open the file Artist REST API.postman_collection.json in a text editor, replace "rest-api-3ap6wvqypa-uc" with the corresponding URL part of the Cloud Run service you deployed to your project.
  • Then import the file into Postman by clicking the Import button near the top left corner.
  • You can now click and invoke the methods to view artists, update an artist, view the contents of the cache, and flush the cache.