What will I learn?


Machine learning is everywhere - but where is it in your design practice? You are the next generation of creators to harness the potential of machine learning and also to understand its implications. Expect to explore and deepen your design abilities by leveraging generative AI tools while navigating the benefits and tradeoffs as you build out your AI toolbox for design. This class invites a mix of designers, data scientists, engineers, business people, and diverse professionals of all backgrounds to help create a multi-disciplinary environment for collaboration. Through a mixture of hands-on guided investigations and design projects, students will learn to design WITH machine learning and create lasting value within their human contexts and environments.

Learn With

Teaching Team

Michelle Carney
UX Researcher, Machine Learning + AI expert

Emily Callaghan
Owner, DESIGN+, design practice + culture expert


Any questions?

How can I contact the teaching team?

Email Michelle & Emily at michelle.carney@berkeley.edu, emily@dschool.stanford.edu


Winter 2023

Course #’s : DESIGN 282

Units : 3

Grading Basis : Letter Grade

Days / Times : Monday & Wednesday | 3:30pm - 5:20pm

Location : Studio 2 | d.school


Applications Due by 11:59pm on Sunday December 10th

Instructors will notify students of application status by 5pm on Friday December 15th.

Apply Here