package manager

The official package repository for Dart and Flutter apps.

Supported by Google

Flutter Favorites

Some of the packages that demonstrate the highest levels of quality, selected by the Flutter Ecosystem Committee


Add beautiful animated effects & builders in Flutter, via an easy, customizable, unified API.


A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC (Business Logic Component) design pattern.


Flutter plugin for accessing information about the battery state(full, charging, discharging).


A Flutter package for getting better feedback. It allows the user to give interactive feedback directly in the app.

Most popular packages

Some of the most downloaded packages over the past 60 days


A Flutter package to use fonts from Supports HTTP fetching, caching, and asset bundling.


A model for web server middleware that encourages composition and easy reuse.


A Flutter widget rendering static HTML and CSS as Flutter widgets.


APIs for parsing and manipulating HTML content outside the browser.


A pluggable, mockable file system abstraction for Dart. Supports local file system access, as well as in-memory file systems, record-replay file systems, and chroot file systems.


Annotations used to express developer intentions that can't otherwise be deduced by statically analyzing source code.

Top Flutter packages

Some of the top packages that extend Flutter with new features


Flutter plugin for sharing content via the platform share UI, using the ACTION_SEND intent on Android and UIActivityViewController on iOS.


Flutter plugin providing detailed information about the device (make, model, etc.), and Android or iOS version the app is running on.


Flutter Page Transition Package which is the transition second page


A universal barcode and QR code scanner for Flutter based on MLKit. Uses CameraX on Android, AVFoundation on iOS and Apple Vision & AVFoundation on macOS.


A flutter plugin for Text to Speech. This plugin is supported on iOS, macOS, Android, Web, & Windows.


Small, easy to use and extensible logger which prints beautiful logs.

Top Dart packages

Some of the top packages for any Dart-based app or program


Provides APIs for debugging and error logging, similar to loggers in other languages, such as the Closure JS Logger and java.util.logging.Logger.


A convenient request router for the shelf web-framework, with support for URL-parameters, nested routers and routers generated from source annotations.


Custom event transformers inspired by ember concurrency. Built to be used with the bloc state management package.


Utilities for converting between data representations. Provides a number of Sink, Codec, Decoder, and Encoder types.


The decimal package allows you to deal with decimal numbers without losing precision.


Auto-generated client libraries for accessing Google APIs described through the API discovery service.

Package of the Week

Package of the Week is a series of quick, animated videos, each of which covers a particular package

feedback (Package of the Week)
fl_chart (Package of the Week)
home_widget (Package of the Week)
Gap (Package of the Week)